Pursuing excellence is essential to who you are

 Authentic, conscious  growth attuned to your deepest joy —
 that’s the real challenge

As a high-performer with a growth-oriented lifestyle, the desire to shatter the glass ceiling almost comes second nature. 

It may look like you have it all from the outside looking in — the titles, the status, the revenue, the reputation. Which, of course, you never take for granted. 

Except somewhere along the way, you discovered it’s not enough to achieve for the sake of achieving. While yes you want to strive to be the best version of yourself, you also want to feel fulfilled in the work you do. Deep down, there is a personal conviction that longs to not only do more but be more. 

I’m here to tell you that you should embrace this longing inside of you. Harness your personal power. Channel this desire into drive and actualization. 

By working together, my goal is to help you achieve your highest version of success and fulfillment — on your terms.


Elevating others to be extraordinary leaders so they can make the difference they are here to make, lift up others, and create a brighter future.

I know what it’s like to navigate different environments, roles, work challenges and still make it to the top without compromising your values.

I’ve always been an overachiever. For years, I climbed the corporate ladder, chased after ambitious projects, accomplished them, and moved on to the next challenge.  

From the beginning, I constantly created opportunities out of what felt like thin air where they simply wouldn’t have existed for me otherwise. (Like convincing an investment consulting firm early in my career to hire me despite not having a CFA, for example). 

Fortunately, this ambition led me to learn as much about different departments as possible. And so I went on to work for a range of organizations, managing various departments (Strategy, Marketing, Product, Operations) in industries ranging from management consulting, telecom, insurance, and tech. However, I also went deep in every role I was in to cultivate a full breadth of experience. (Because one day I'd be a "CEO/ big boss" and *should* know a bit of everything. Remember my overachiever syndrome? Yes.) 

For some reason with every role, I was typically the only woman at the table, especially the higher I climbed

Time and time again, I continued to pull up my own chair at the table. 

Meet your Executive Coach & Business Advisor


Here’s all I knew: the outdated leadership model for success being represented at the corporate level — be the loudest, most dominant person in the room — was far from who I was at my core. 

Former managers used to tell me that I had leadership 'grace' and described me as an iron fist under a velvet glove. I had a unique ability to relate to and motivate others towards achieving incredible results. Earlier on, I embraced what made me different, (having a soft, yet assertive approach) to my advantage to successfully influence others, while setting visions in motion from the ground up. 

Eventually, it led me to become a C-level executive with a multi 8-figure annual recurring revenue SaaS-based company, overseeing more than 300 employees. But more importantly, I was authentic and didn’t lose myself in the process. I re-wrote the rules. 

I had moved up fast and in so many different kind of roles, people tapped me for advice and guidance in various areas. They also wanted to know how I switched industries and focus, how I grew my career, how I did it all.  And so, starting in 2015, through word-of-mouth, in my free time, I began to consult start-ups and coached professionals looking to navigate workplace issues or secure their next role. Now, after helping hundreds of professionals get new roles, promoted, or thrive in them, and start-ups expand their solutions and scale their revenue, I say the results speak for themselves. 

With over 20 years of diverse work experience, and landing in the C-suite, I really know what it takes to rise to and excel at a high level. I also learned some powerful lessons along the way about leadership, teams, politics, resilience, building a solid reputable brand, and balancing authority, strength and empathy — especially as a woman leader, who also happens to be a minority. 

In 2022, I made things official and launched my little corner of the web. (Thanks for landing here!) You see, I strongly believe we are all here to actualize our potential and ent to be our best, live an extraordinary life, and make an impact by serving others. This is why I chose coaching as a vehicle to contribute through my extensive experience, give back AND amplify others. It's what my zone of genius is and what I get fired up to wake up to and do. So here I am today, a champion/ a guide/ mentor/ coach. I'm here to help you grow, help you achieve your next level and aspirations, whether it's in your professional life — and beyond.

Specifically, I became curious about what makes some individuals advance in their careers while others stay left behind.

For as long as I remember, I've been intrigued about the human path to self-actualization. As a multi-passionate achiever, I've read, learned, and invested in all kinds of matters related to mindset, brain science, high performance, leadership and personal development. You name it, anything to do with making you better or seeing the world differently, I devoured from the practical to the supernatural and spiritual.

I began to question altogether what “success” looked like in the workplace, in business, in my own life — and what it should look like for others.

Inthida Ngeth is a Bilingual Executive Coach, Strategic Business Advisor, and Fractional Chief Operating Officer with a passion for cultivating extraordinary leaders. In her 20+ years of experience, Inthida has worked with career professionals from all stages and with businesses ranging from tech startups to multibillion-dollar companies. Inthida’s coaching has a thought-provoking yet practical approach with a proven record of accelerating growth and driving change. When she’s not coaching or advising, you’ll find her exploring nature trails with her two daughters or dreaming up her next trip to France.

The Short Bio


In addition to my vast personal, hands-on experience, I’m also a professionally trained coach with the best in the business (in executive/career coaching + transformational coaching). I have invested in various high performance, leadership, and personal development training throughout my entire career. My toolset is wide and deep. I specialize in executive presence, executive coaching, business coaching, and women-centred coaching through my live Mastermind Retreats.

Clients who come to me for career/executive coaching are primarily women leaders (directors, VPs, C-suite executives). They come from a wide range of industries including banking/finance, telecom, tech, media, agencies. For business coaching/consulting: I work with coaches, or CEOs, founders, entrepreneurs of rising start-ups or SMBs, who are intentional about their success. 

Coaching Expertise and Approach

Who I coach and Consult

let's get personal

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention these fun facts

Bisous from Paris

A little indulgence never hurt anyone

I might have been a designer in another life

Half of my heart is in my hometown, Paris. The city invigorates me and is where I feel the most inspired. If we go together (likely since I’m there so often), can we stop for pâtisseries s'il vous plaît?

I may be an avid-self care practitioner focusing on daily rituals and meditations, but don’t be surprised if you find me ending the day with a few chocolates and the occasional wine! 

I’m equally obsessed with personal growth and development as I am with beautiful architecture, interiors, and finding treasures at antique markets! Renovating and decorating is definitely a favourite hobby.

Inthida's insights and expertise, and tactful sensibility to provide guidance and ways for me to improve has been so effective. She has helped me to lead better — and succeed — in everything from team management to better influencing across groups.

She is empathetic, smart, and inspiring. Her coaching gave me valuable results beyond what I could have imagined. She has the language, experience and process to support me through challenges. She helped me rise higher through a few important career changes, all thanks to her incredible support. Inthida really enabled me to maximize and show my potential as a leader and I've become a true trusted partner to the executive team. Having Inthida as a coach has been a game changer!

- D.,  HEAD of People. Strategy & Operations

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