Business Advisory

Align your business operations with your vision so you can finally scale

Scaling, hitting new revenue levels, and expanding your business should feel like a win

But why does it feel like your growth starts and ends with you?

Although these are worthy of celebration, they seem to come with their own set of challenges. And if you’re like most companies I work with, these milestones often don’t reflect that you’re profitable — yet.

Even though you’ve hired more people to keep up with your rapid growth, things aren't working as well as you would like.

Unfortunately, too many key decisions and strategies for continued growth still seem to come down to one person: that’s you.  

Inadequate delegation — You’ve hired a larger team, but for some reason, you seem to be working more than you ever have before.

Blurred positions — Without clear and confident leadership, there seems to be overlap in scope or a gap that has yet to be addressed. 

Unclear processes — Work is getting done but it doesn't feel like it's moving the company forward since there are no set standards. You've tried various strategies and quick fixes but you're still spinning.

Falling profit margins — With more people, more initiatives, more costs, all you can feel are the expenses rising and the pressure to increase profitability, fast.

Even though they shouldn't, these issues lay heavy on you.

which means you'll likely face issues around:

When growth comes down to you, that means you’re always destined to hit a brick wall

To implement effective change in your operations at this level, you’ll need a trusted partner 

Not just any partner — someone who can bridge the gap between strategy and execution

If you want your company to scale, it’s not enough to just have strategy. It’s not enough to just implement tasks. Clearly, you need both — a strategy that is simple to execute and implementation based on sound strategy. 

Working within different capacities (strategic and managerial) across all kinds of industries, I know exactly how to cast a successful vision and translate it into tactical step-by-step guidance for efficient execution and profitable growth.

I am here to help you apply what works so you can have better alignment, balance, more results, more profits, more fun and a renewed sense of energy. 

That's where I come in

ready for a change?

Book a consultation

Sample of Custom Package:
+ Up to 12 months of 1:1 coaching and consulting
+ In-depth 2 hour initial kick-off and onboarding session 
+ 2 day off-site facilitated strategic planning session 
+ 3 facilitated quarterly planning sessions (1 day per quarter) 
+ All pre-work planning and digital copy of artefacts from working sessions 
+ 12 one-hour coaching sessions 
+ Coaching methodology to operate for success 
+ Custom resources, training or tools on relevant topics 
+ Highly effective personal & team growth practices and management strategies for high performance
+ Telegram email, and text support in between sessions
+ Final session (1hr) to wrap-up and plan for what's next

This is a unique and dynamic combination of coaching, trusted advisory and consulting for scaling companies. While I will address challenges that are keeping you stuck, I’ll also help you identify areas, both in your business and in your own leadership, where you can operate as a CEO that confidently moves your businesses forward. Together, we’ll spend the next 6 to 12 months finding opportunities and creating an actionable plan to achieve your most desired results. 

A private 1:1 custom program of coaching and consulting 

let's work together

advisor On Deck

Do you have the right meetings and  playbooks in place? Streamlined processes can either make or break how you run your company. Whether it’s project management, marketing, recruiting, or sales, we’ll create a system so you can maintain and scale each system properly.

06. processes

If you’re not accurately using tools to measure your goals, or tracking your cash position, how do you know if your efforts are scaling your business? I’ll give you the answer: you won’t. Let’s develop tracking systems so you know exactly how to measure success with KPIs, scorecards, and other proven methods. 


Your business is only as capable of growth as its founder. I’ll show you practices to grow in your leadership, develop your people, maintain your wellbeing, all the way down to managing your inbox. 

04. self leadership

Next, I’ll help you foster better habits and collaboration within your teams by practicing accountability. But more importantly, teach you how to honour and act with integrity towards your company values and maintain a culture that consistently achieves results.

03. TEam Habits & Culture

Do you have the right structure, the right people, and are they in the right seat? Together, we'll analyze your people and optimize your structure for success. We'll also ensure everyone's clear on their areas of responsibilities and role.

02. people

First, let’s get clear on where you want to go. We’ll establish a firm foundation by highlighting your mission, vision, and key priorities for the year or quarter. Otherwise, you can’t grow if you don’t know where you’re going.

01. strategy

The Ultimate Operations Blueprint

There are 6 areas of focus every business needs to effectively scale. I have developed this practical, evidence-based proven framework to help you address essential pillars for success. I've walked a number of businesses through this to shoot up revenue and profit. And I can help you do the same by clarifying your:

The Ultimate Operations Blueprint lays out what’s working in each of these areas, what isn’t, so we can diagnose your business and accelerate your success. Once implemented, you'll have an adaptable and sustainable approach to growth that will keep you accountable to your company's vision and goals, dramatically empower your team, and increase performance.

Here's how we'll make this happen

Allow me to introduce you to...

Here's How the Process Works


Level with me and discuss what’s really going on in your business 

Upon committing to our coaching engagement, you’ll fill out a questionnaire as an audit of your current business. From there, we’ll dig into the most pressing issues you’re facing as a company to decide what our next steps will be.


Develop your business in tandem with your leadership skills

With the ins and outs of your business laid out in front of us, our coaching begins, addressing one pain point at a time. You’ll receive a blend of operations coaching, strategy guidance, and also develop as a leader to help bring these ideas to fruition. 

After several calls and outlining your Ultimate Operations Blueprint, you will have a clear understanding of what you’ll need to set in place to scale. Whether you are going to execute on your own or bring on an integrator, I’ll share final tips to make your implementation seamless and successful. 


Implement your Ultimate Operations Blueprint so you can scale

It’s time to set up your business for sustainable, long-term success

Together, we can discuss your needs in-depth to create your blueprint for scaling. Proceed to the contact form and we can start a conversation from there.